How to join our group

Bachelor course

  1. Enter college of information science and engineering, Ritsumeikan University.
  2. Select media information course at the course assignment on 2nd semester.
  3. Select our group at the laboratory assignment on 6th semester. Approx. 10 students can join.
Please be aware that high GPA students have the priority for the course and laboratory assignments.   

Master course / Ph.D. course

Enter graduate school of information science and engineering, Ritsumeikan Univerisity. We accept all students who pass the regular admission exam. Check out the latest admission information for the exam. Please note that international students living in Japan (e.g., Ritsumeikan undergrad) should select regular or in-university addmissions.
Basically, you need to send me the ISE form to clear the export control issue and to confirm whether your research interest be suitable for our group. Additional materials including (not limited to) academic record, award, scholarship, publication list, competition result are plus. We may have additional chat or interview if necessary.

For potential Ph.D. course applicant: Ph.D. students in Japan are not fully paid. If we have sufficient amount of research grant, we will hire Ph.D. students as research assistants, but it is limited. We recommend to obtain MEXT scholarship or equivallent to secure your living cost and tuition.
Check out about the information about MEXT scholarship (host university recommendation) admission. In a case that the slot is not allocated to Information Science and Technology department, please also consider about embassy recommendation.

Group policy

  • Group members are supposed to attend the following meetings. Each meeting is weekly held.
    • Group meeting
      A few students give a presentation about their own research or survey on a rotating basis and the other students ask questions. Staffs will only give general advices in this meeting.
    • Team meeting
      Students with similar reserach topics are gathered and have discussions about research and related topics.
    • Individual meeting
      For each project, we discuss about the project deeply.
  • How to determine research theme?
    • If you have a concrete idea, it can be your own research theme after some discussions.
    • Otherwise, you will select one of our projects based on your interest.
    • If there is a conflict, you may have to change the theme.
Want to know more? Get in touch with us via email.