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Jounals(with referees)
[1] Toshiyuki Okada, Yuta Iwasaki, Tsuyoshi Koyama, Nobuhiko Sugano, Yen-Wei Chen, Kazuo Yonenobu, Yoshinobu Sato, “Computer-assisted preoperative planning for reduction of proximal femoral fracture using 3D-CT data,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, (2008) in press.
[2] Rui-Juan Zhang, Hu-Chuan Lu, Chun-Hua Jia and Yen-Wei Chen, “Tri-tracking method for robust object tracking,” Electronics Letters (2008) in press.
[3] Toshiyuki OKADA, Keita YOKOTA, Masahiko NAKAMOTO, Nobuhiko SUGANO, Masatoshi HORI, Yen-Wei CHEN, and Yoshinobu SATO, “Multi-Level Statistical Shape Model Using Shape Stabilization Terms for Generic Modeling of Organs,” IEICE Trans. Information & Systems, Vol. J91-D, No.7, pp.1862-1873 (2008). In Japanese.
[4] T.Asaka, T.Okada, K.Osuga, M.Hori, Y.-W.Chen, H.Nakamura, Y.Sato: “Determination of optimal guidewire shape for catheterization procedure based on vessel shape at bifurcation,” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol.3, Suppl., No. 1, pp.66-67, (2008).
[5] Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, Jianmei. Lei, “A spatio-chromatic ICA Based noise reduction in color images,”International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.4, No.3, pp.661-669, 2008.
[6] Huchuan Lu, Yingjie Huang, Yenwei Chen and Deli Yang, “Automatic gender recognition based on pixel-pattern-based texture feature,” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol.3, pp.109-116 (2008). download
[7] Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Song-Yuan Tang, Shigehiro Morikawa and Yoshimasa Kurumi, “Parzen-window based normalized mutual information for medical image registration,” IEICE Trans Information & Systems, Vol. E91-D, No.1, pp.132-144 (2008). download
International Conference Papers (with referees)
[1] Yen-Wei Chen, Katsumi Tsubokawa, Rui Xu, Shigehiro Morikawa, and Yoshimasa Kurumi, “Semiauotomatic Non-Rigid 3-D Image Registration for MR-Guided Liver Cancer Surgery,” Proc. of 15th IEEE International Conference of Image Processing (ICIP2008), USA, pp.1800-1803 (2008). download
[2] Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, Takeshi Sukegawa, “A supervised nonlinear neighbourhood embedding of color histogram for image indexing”, Proc. of 15th IEEE International Conference of Image Processing (ICIP2008), USA, pp.949-953, (2008). download
[3] Hu-chuan Lu, Hao Chen, Yen-Wei Chen, ” Multilinear Analysis based on Image Texture for Face Recognition,” Proc. Of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008), USA, (2008).
[4] Hu-chuan Lu, Chao Wang, Yen-wei Chen, “Gaze Tracking By Binocular Vision and LBP Features,” Proc. Of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2008), USA, (2008).
[5] Yen-Wei Chen, Takayuki Fukui, Xu Qiao, Takanori Igarashi, Keisuke Nakao and Akio Kashimoto, “Multi-angle View, Illumination and Cosmetic Facial Image Database (MaVIC) and Quantitative Analysis of Facial Appearance,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, LNCS??, pp.?? (2008).
[6] Yen-Wei Chen, Kanami Kobayashi, Hitoshi Kawabayashi, and Xinyin Huang, “Application of Interactive Genetic Algorithms to Boid Model Based Artificial Fish Schools,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, LNAI 5178, pp.141-148 (2008). download
[7] Yen-Wei Chen and Xian-Hua Han, “Classification of High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Supervised Locality Preserving Projections,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, LNAI 5178, pp.149-156 (2008). download
[8] R.Xu and Y.W.Chen, "Appearance models for medical volumes with few samples by generalized 3D-PCA", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 4984, pp.821-830 (2008).
[9] Shingo TAKEMURA, Xianhua HAN, Yen-Wei CHEN, Kazuhiro ITO,Ikuko NISHIKWA, Msahiro IT, “Enhancement and detection of lung nodules with Multiscale filters in CT images”, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.717-720(2008).
[10] Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, Hideto Fujita, and Akihiko Yamada, “Robust Face Recognition Based on Modified ICA without Training Samples of Test Subjects”, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.701-704(2008).
[11] Hisashi KAWABAYASHI, Yen-Wei CHEN, “Interactive system of artificial fish school based on the expanded boid model,” Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.721-724(2008).
[12] Yohei Tsurugai , Yuta Iwasaki, Xian-Hua Han and Yen-Wei Chen, “Region-Based Segmentation and Auto-Annotation for Color Image,” Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.709-712(2008).
[13] Huchuan Lu, Chao Wang, Yen-Wei Chen, “Gaze Tracking by Binocular Vision Technology and PPBTF Features,” Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.705-708(2008).
[14] Guifang Duan, Yen-Wei Chen, and Takeshi Sakekawa, “Automatic Optical Inspection of Micro Drill Bit in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Based on Pattern Classification,” Proc. Of IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Canada, pp.279-283 (2008). download
[15] Kiyotaka Matsuo, Xianhua Han, Koichi Shibata, Yukio Mishina Yoshihiro Mukuta and Yen-Wei Chen, “Noise Reduction and Signal Enhancement in IVR Images by ICA Shrinkage Filters and Multiscale Filters,” Proc. Of The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC2008), Japan, pp. 769-772 (2008). download
[16] Shota Sobue, Xinyin Huang and Yen-Wei Chen, “Mapping functions between image features and KANSEI and its application to KANSEI based clothing fabric image retrieval,” Proc. Of The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC2008), Japan, pp.705-708 (2008). download
[17] Yen-Wei Chen, Chen-Lun Lin and Aya Mimori,“ Multimodal Medical Image Registration Using Particle Swarm Optimization,“ Proc. of Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Vol.3, pp.127-131 (2008). download
Jounals(with referees)Conference Presentation (without referees)
[1] Yen-Wei Chen and Rui Xu, “Generalized N-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis and Efficient Representation of Medical Volumes,” 部分空間法Subspace2008, pp.20-24 (2008).
[2] Xu Qiao, Takanori Igarashi, Keisuke Nakao, Akio Kashimoto and Yen-Wei Chen, “Generalized N-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis and Its Application to Statistical Appearance Modeling of Facial Images with Multiple Modes,” Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2008 (MIRU2008), Karuizawa, (2008). download
[3] Chen-Lun Lin , Rui Xu and Yen-Wei Chen, “2D Non-rigid Medical Image Registration Using Particle Swarm Optimization,” Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2008 (MIRU2008), Karuizawa, (2008). download
[4] 福井貴之,Xu Qiao,五十嵐 崇訓,中尾啓輔, 樫本明生,陳 延偉, “多視点・多照明化粧顔画像データベース(MaVIC)の構築と質感に関する統計解析,” 第13回日本顔学会大会, 東京大学,(2008).
[5] 村田由紀子,陳 延偉, “顔特徴点間の距離による顔向き推定,” 第13回日本顔学会大会, 東京大学,(2008).
[6] Ngo Truc Hung,Xian-Hua Han,Yen-Wei Chen, “Face recognition based a 2D supervised neighborhood embedding,” 第13回日本顔学会大会, 東京大学,(2008).
[7] 河林 弥志,陳 延偉, “拡張boidモデルを用いたインタラクティブ魚群システムとその高速化,” 第27回 日本シミュレーション学会大会論文集, 立命館大学,pp.381-384(2008).
[8] 村田 由紀子,陳 延偉, “簡易でロバストな視線検出法,” 第27回 日本シミュレーション学会大会論文集, 立命館大学,pp.295-298(2008).
[9] 段桂芳,陳延偉,助川武史, “Automatic Optical Condition Recognition of Micro Drill Bits Using Statistical Shape Model and Support Vector Machines,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G2-20, (2008). download
[10] 岡本充史,陳延偉, “画像分割法による自動Annotation付与,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G13-12, (2008). download
[11] 安田敏樹,陳延偉,森川茂廣,来見良誠, “肝臓の確率アトラスの作成及び確率アトラスを用いた肝臓のセグメンテーション,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G13-17, (2008). download
[12] 三森彩,坪川勝己,林正倫,陳延偉, “並列粒子群最適化法による医用画像の位置合わせ,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G13-18, (2008). download
[13] 木西基,岡田俊之,大須賀慶悟,堀雅敏,陳延偉,佐藤嘉伸, “肝動脈血管分岐部での最適ガイドワイヤ形状の推定---カテーテル先端方向の角度制限の導入---,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G13-19, (2008). download
[14] 上村拓矢,小川淳也,瀬尾昌孝,陳延偉, “B-スプライン曲線とActive Shape Model(ASM)を用いた似顔絵の自動作成システム,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G13-23, (2008). download
[15] 寺田卓馬,陳延偉, “ASMを用いた顔の自動ワーピングシステム,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G13-24, (2008). download
[16] 石本守,陳延偉, “任意視点顔認識のための3次元顔形状復元,” 平成20年度電気関係学会関西支部連合大会,京都工芸繊維大学G13-26, (2008). download


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