Research Topics

Computational Imaging

Building new imaging systems that tightly couple sensing hardware and computational algorithms.

Computer Vision

Recovering 3D shape and recognizing the scene from visual information.

Optical Sensing

Light transport acquisition and analysis.

Past projects

Exapmles of past projects. These are not ongoing projects, but you may be able to find the directions of our research.

Shape from thermal radiation

Is passive depth sensing possible only using thermal radiation?

Looking around corner using polarization

Is polarization cue useful for looking around corner problem?

LWIR light transport analysis

Understanding the light and heat transport of LWIR wave.

Sparse signal processing for partialy continuous signal

Finding discontinuity of signals using sparsity.

Material esitimation

Material estimation for visually similar objects using light transport behaviour.

3D imaging for transparent objects.

How to measure the 3D shape of transparent obejcts?

Picosecond ultrafast imaging

Visualizing the propagation of light.

Imaging through scattering

Imaging inside/through the obejcts, water, fog, etc.