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[1] Xian-Hua Han, Zensho Nakao and Yen-Wei Chen, “An ICA-Domain Shrinkage based Poisson-Noise Reduction Algorithm and Its Application to Penumbral Imaging”, IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., vol.E88-D, No.4, pp.750-757, (2005).
[2] J. Cheng, Q. Liu, H. Lu and Y.-W. Chen, “Supervised Kernel Locality Preserving Projections for Face Recognition,” Neurocomputing, Vol.67, pp.443-449 (2005).
[3] Thai Duy Hien, Zensho Nakao and Yen-Wei Chen, “Robust RDWT-ICA based information hiding,” Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, Springer, 2006.
[4] Masaki Yamazaki, Gang Xu and Yen-Wei Chen, “Detection of Moving Objects by Independent Component Analysis,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol.3852, pp.467-478, 2006.
[5] X.-Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, D. van Alphen, and Z. Nakao, “Selection of ICA Features for Texture Classification,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol.2, pp.262-267, 2005.
[6] X.-Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, D. van Alphen and Z. Nakao, “Removal of Spatially Correlated Noise by Independent Component Analysis,” Proc SPIE, Vol.5673, pp.99-105, 2005.
[7] R.Xu, Y.-W. Chen and S.Morikawa, “Comparison of Optimization Methods for Rigid Medical Image Registration,” 信学技報, Vol.105, No.63, pp.1-6, 2005.
[8] 岩崎、陳, “主成分分析と領域情報を用いたMR画像のセグメンテーション”, 信学技報, Vol.105, No.62, pp.55-60, 2005.
[9] Rui Xu and Yen-Wei Chen, “ A Wavelet-based Multi-resolution Registration Strategy combined Mutual Information and Spatial Information,” 信学技報, Vol.105, No.580, pp.121-124, 2006.
[10] Yen-Wei Chen and Xianhua Han, “ ICA Domain Filtering for Reduction of Noise in X-ray Images,” Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, USA, 2006 (in press).


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