2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003- |
Journals(with referees)
[1] | Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Toshihito Seki, RyosukeInoguchi, Chen-Lun Lin and Xian-Hua Han, “Non-rigid image registration with anatomical structure constraint for assessing locoregional therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma,” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.45, pp.75-83 (2015-9). (SCI, Impact factor: 4.79) (こちら) |
[2] | Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen and Gang Xu, “High-order Statistics of Weber Local Descriptors for Image Representation”, IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics, Vol.45, No.6, pp.1180-1193 (2015-6). (SCI, Impact factor: 11.448) (こちら) |
[3] | 岩本祐太郎,韓先花,椎野顕彦,陳延偉,「スパース表現と自己相似性を用いた三次元医用画像の超解像処理」,電子情報通信学会論文誌 D,Vol.J98-D, pp.1312-1324 (2015.10) |
[4] | TitinuntKitrungrotsakul, Chunhua Dong, Tomoko Tateyama, Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen,”Interactive Segmentation and Visualization System for Medical Images on Mobile Devices,” J. Adv. Simulat. Sci Eng., Vol.2, No.1, pp.96-107 (2015) |
[5] | Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Amir Hossein Foruzan, Lanfen Lin, Xian-hua Han, Tomoko Tateyama, Xing Wu, Gang Xu and Huiyan Jiang, “Segmentation of liver and spleen based on computational anatomy models,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 67, pp.146-160 (2015-12). (SCI, Impact factor: 4.589) (こちら) |
[6] | Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu, Chongwu Jin, Huajun Yu, Tomoko Tateyama, Xian-hua Han, “Simultaneous Segmentation of Multiple Organs Using Random Walks,” Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.24, No.2, pp.320-329(2016). |
[7] | Truc Hung Ngo, Yen-Wei Chen, Naoki Matsushiro and Masataka Seo, “Quantitative Assessment of Facial Paralysis Based on Spatiotemporal Features,” IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol.E99-D, No.1, pp.187-196 (2016.1). |
International Conference Papers (with referees)
[1] | YingyingXu, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu, Huajun Yu, Chongwu Jin, Jian Wang, Xianhua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, “Combined Density, Texture and Shape Features of Multi-Phase Contrast-Enhanced CT Images for CBIR of Focal Liver Lesions: A Preliminary Study,”Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2015, Eds. Yen-Wei Chen et al., Springer, 2015 (Kyoto, Japan, Sep.11-12, 2015) Best Student Paper Award |
[2] | TitinuntKitrungrotsakul, Xian-Hua Han, and Yen-Wei Chen, “Liver Segmentation Using Superpixel-Based Graph Cuts and Regions of Shape Constraints,”IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2015), Quebec, Canada, Sep.27-30, 2015 (Oral Presentation) |
[3] | Tomoko Tateyama, Mei Uetani, TitinuntKitrungrotsakul, RuiXu, Shinya Kohara, Chen-Lun Lin, Akira Furukawa, ShuzhaoKanasaki, Satoshi Tanaka, Yen-Wei Chen, “Efficient Shape Representation of Abdominal Organs Based on Spherical Harmonic Functions (SPHARM),”CARS2015-Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 29th International Congress and Exhibition,Barcelona, Spain, June 24-27, 2015 (Oral Presentation). |
[4] | Misae Nakatsu, Xian-Hua Han, Ryosuke Kimura and Yen-Wei Chen, “Discriminant Statistical Analysis of Local Facial Geometrical Regions,”3rdAsian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov.3-6, 2015 (こちら) |
[5] | Xian-Hua Han, YukakoTohsato, Koji Kyoda, Shuichi Onami, Ikuko Nishikawa and Yen-Wei Chen, “Nuclear Detection in 4D Microscope Images of Developing Embryo Using Enhanced Probability Map of Top-ranked Intensity-ordered Descriptors,” 3rdAsian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov.3-6, 2015 (Oral Presentation). (こちら) |
[6] | Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chenand Gang Xu, “Co-occurrence Context of the data-driven Quantized Local Ternary Patterns for Visual Recognition,” 3rdAsian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov.3-6, 2015 (Oral Presentation). (こちら) |
[7] | Yuto Kondo, Xian-Hua Han, and Yen-Wei Chen, “Two-Step Learning Based Super-Resolution and Its Application to 3D Medical Volumes,” 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, Osaka, Japan, Oct.27-30, 2015. (こちら) |
[8] | Qiaochu Zhao, Xian-Hua Han, Yan-Wei Chen, “A Robust Registration Method using Huber ICP and Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition,”Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association annual summit and conference (APSIPA ASC2015), Hongkong, Dec.15-19, 2015. (こちら) |
[9] | Titinunt Kitrungrotsakul, Yen-Wei Chen, Xian-Hua Han, and Lanfen Lin, “Supervoxels based Graph Cut for Medical Organ Segmentation,”The 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 31-Sep.2, 2015. (pp.70-75). (こちら) |
[10] | Mahdi Delavari, Amir HosseinForuzan and Yen-Wei Chen, “Improvement of Statistical Shape Models for Soft Tissues Using Modified-Coherent Point Drift,” The 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 31-Sep.2, 2015. (pp.36-41). (こちら) |
[11] | Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Chen-Lun Lin, Toshihito Seki and RyosukeInoguchi, “Non-rigid Registration with Constraint of Anatomical Landmarks for Assessment of Locoregional Therapy,” IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (IEEE ICIA2015), Yunnan, China, Aug. 8-10, 2015. |
[12] | Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Lanfen Lin, Hongjie Hu, Chongwu Jin,Huajun Yu, Tomoko Tateyama, Xian-hua Han, “A Knowledge-based Interactive Liver Segmentation using Random Walks,” The 2015 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'15) and the 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15) , Zhangjiajie, China, Aug.15-17, 2015. |
[13] | Truc Hung NGO, Yen-Wei CHEN, Naoki MATSUDHIRO, Masataka SEO, “Quantitative Analysis of Facial Paralysis Based on Filters of Concentric Modulation,” The 2015 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'15) and the 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15) , Zhangjiajie, China, Aug.15-17, 2015. |
[14] | Ting Wang, Xianhua Han, RuiXu, Yen-Wei Chen, Yoshitomo Ishizaki, Masaru Miyamoto, Tomohito Hattori, “Automatic Inspection of Throw-Away TipsBased on Principal Component Analysis,” The 2015 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'15) and the 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15) , Zhangjiajie, China, Aug.15-17, 2015 |
[15] | Yen-Wei Chen, Dingye Chen, Xian-Hua Han and Xinyin Huang, “Generic and Specific Impression Estimation of Clothing Fabric Images Based on Machine Learning,” The 2015 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'15) and the 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15) , Zhangjiajie, China, Aug.15-17, 2015 |
[16] | Yen-Wei Chen, Ayako Taniguchi, Tomoko Tateyama, Akira Furukawa and Shuzo Kanasaki, “Automated Assessment of Small Bowel Motility Function Based on Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC),” The 2015 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'15) and the 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15) , Zhangjiajie, China, Aug.15-17, 2015 |
Conference Papers (without referees)
[1] | Truc Hung NGO,MatsatakaSEO,Naoki MATSUSHIRO, Yen Wei CHEN, “3D Reconstruction of Facial Expression for Evaluation of Facial Paralysis,”第20回日本顔学会大会(フォーラム顔学2015),O2-4, (2015.9.12) 20周年記念フォーラム顔学2015大会長賞 |
[2] | 吉原寛樹,嶋野匠,瀬尾昌孝,五十嵐崇訓,松代直樹,陳延偉,「多視点表情動画像データベースの構築と特徴点の自動推定」, 第20回日本顔学会大会(フォーラム顔学2015),O2-1, (2015.9.12) |
[3] | 畑香奈江,瀬尾昌孝,石田裕之,内田健,陳延偉,「機械学習を用いた個人の顔特徴に応じた美顔補正」, 第20回日本顔学会大会(フォーラム顔学2015),O3-1, (2015.9.13) |
[4] | 瀬尾昌孝,五十嵐崇訓,西川郁子,陳延偉,「ハイパースペクトル顔画像を用いた肌構成物質の含有量解析」, 第20回日本顔学会大会(フォーラム顔学2015),O5-4, (2015.9.13) |
[5] | 五十嵐崇訓,海津一宏,瀬尾昌孝,陳延偉,「ガボールフィルタを用いたしわアピアランスの定量表現:視観察環境を考慮したアプローチ」, 第20回日本顔学会大会(フォーラム顔学2015),P1-12, (2015.9.12) |
[6] | 韓先花,陳延偉,「Deep Convolutional Neural Network による食事画像認識」,信学技報, vol. 115, no. 224, PRMU2015-77, pp. 67-72, 2015年9月. (愛媛大学,9月14-15日) |
[7] | 笹野翔太, 中島基輝, 韓先花, 陳延偉,「データ駆動モデルを用いた食事画像識別」, 第18回画像の認識?理解シンポジウム,SS4-15,大阪, July 27-30, 2015. |
[8] | 中津美冴, 韓先花 , 木村亮介, 陳延偉, 「3次元顔面形態の局所的統計解析」,第18回画像の認識?理解シンポジウム,SS4-39,大阪, July 27-30, 2015. |
[9] | 趙きょうそ, 韓先花, 陳延偉,「Sparse and Low Rank DecompositionとHuber ICPを用いた頑健な点群位置合わせ法」, 第18回画像の認識?理解シンポジウム,SS4-41,大阪, July 27-30, 2015. |
[10] | 今野悠, 韓先花, Xiong Wei, 陳延偉, 「ベイズモデルを用いたCT画像からの腫瘍候補の検出」, 第18回画像の認識?理解シンポジウム,SS5-2,大阪, July 27-30, 2015. |
[11] | TitinuntKitrungrotsakul, Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen, “Liver Segmentation Using Superpixel-based Graph cuts and Shape Constraints,” 第18回画像の認識?理解シンポジウム,SS5-26,大阪, July 27-30, 2015. |
[12] | 李迎博,董春華,健山智子,陳延偉,「Iterative確率アトラスとテンプレートマッチングを用いた肝臓セグメンテーション」, 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 139, MI2015-34, pp. 13-17, 2015年7月. |
[13] | 藤井亮馬, 健山智子,田中英俊,上谷芽衣,徐睿, 田中覚,陳延偉,「Kinectを用いたハンズフリー対話による三次元医用画像可視化システムの開発」,信学技報, vol. 115, no. 139, MI2015-38, pp. 33-38, 2015年7月. |
[14] | Shuaizhen Zhu, Zhuofu Deng, Ye Yuan, Zhuliang Zhu, Tomoko Tateyama and Yen-Wei Chen, “Development of Interactive and Collaborative 3D Medical Image Visualization and Analysis System,” 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 139, MI2015-42, pp. 59-64, 2015年7月. |
[15] | 健山智子, 谷口絢子,古川顕,金崎周造,若宮誠,陳延偉,「SLIC superpixel法を用いた腸管領域抽出による小腸収縮運動の自動計測と解析」, 第34回日本医用画像工学会大会(The 34th JAMIT Annual Meeting (JAMIT 2015)),金沢,2015.7.30-8.1 |
[16] | 趙きょうそ,韓先花,陳延偉,「Sparse and Low Rank DecompositionとICPを用いた頑健な点群位置合わせ法」, 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 24, PRMU2015-5, pp. 23-28, 2015年5月. |
[17] | 野島優輔,韓先花,陳延偉,「正規化スパース性制約を用いたぼけカーネル推定および動画像復元への応用」, 信学技報, vol. 115, no. 24, PRMU2015-15, pp. 77-82, 2015年5月. |