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[1] Yen-Wei Chen and Yuuta Iwasaki “A Robust MR Image Segmentation Technique Using Spatial Information and Principle Component Analysis,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proc. of ISNN2006), Springer, LNCS3972, pp.517-522, 2006.
[2] Yen-Wei Chen, Kanami Kobayashi and Xinyin Huang“Genetic Algorithms for Optimization of Boids Model,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, (Proc. of KES2006), Springer, 2006 (to be published).
[3] Songyuan Tang, Yen-wei Chen, Rui Xu, Yongtian Wang, Shigehiro Morikawa, and Yoshimasa Kurumi, “MR-CT Image Registration in Liver Cancer Treatment with an Open Configuration MR Scanner,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proc. of WBIR2006), Springer, LNCS 4057, pp.289-296, 2006
[4] Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Songyuan Tang, Shigehiro Morikawa and Yoshimasa Kurumi, “Application of Non-rigid Medical Image Registration on Open-MR based Liver Cancer Surgery,” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 1 Supplement, No. 1, pp. 286-288, 2006 (to be published).
[5] 安積友樹, 岡田俊之, 陳 延偉, 中本将彦, 佐藤嘉伸, 菅野伸彦, 田村進一, “3次元CT画像を用いた統計的大腿骨濃淡値分布モデルの構築,” 信学技報, Vol.106, No.72, pp.89-93, 2006.
[6] 岩崎祐太, 岡田俊之, 小山毅, 陳延偉, 佐藤嘉伸, 菅野伸彦, 田村進一, “3次元CT画像を用いた骨折線と反対側形状に基づく近位大腿骨の半自動骨折整復計画”, 信学技報, Vol.106, Vol.106, No.72, pp.83-88, 2006.
[7] Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Songyuan Tang, Shigehiro Morikawa and Yoshimasa Kurumi, “FFD-based Image Registration and Its application to Open-MR basded Liver Cancer Surgery” 信学技報, Vol.106, No.73, pp. 87-92, 2006.
[8] S.Tang, Y.-W.Chen, R.Xu, Y.Wang, S.Morikawa and Y.Kurumi, "A semiautomatic nonrigid registration in liver cancer treatment with an open MR system," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proc. of ICAT2006), Springer, LNCS 4282, 2006 (in press).
[9] R.Xu and Y.-W.Chen, “A Wavelet-based Multiresolution Medical Image Registration Strategy Combining Mutual Information with Spatial Information,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (2006) in press.
[10] Y.Sato, T.Okada, M.Nakamoto, Y.-W.Chen, M.Hori, N.Sugano and S.Tamura, "Computational modeling of anatomical stractures," Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Future CAD, pp.33-41 (2006).
[11] Xian-hua Han, Zensho Nakao and Yen-Wei Chen, “An Edge Extraction Algorithm based ICA-Domain Shrinkage for Penumbral Imaging,” Information, Vol.9, No.3, pp.529-544, 2006.
[12] Jin-Xia Zhang, Yen-Wei Chen, Zensho Nakao and Tomoko Tateyama, “Independent Component Analysis for Classification of Remotely Sensed Images,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.2, No.3, pp.659-666, 2006.
[13] 安積友樹, 横田圭太, 岡田俊之, 中本将彦, 陳 延偉, 堀雅敏,中村仁信,佐藤嘉伸, “3次元CT画像を用いた統計的腹形状モデルの構築,“ 日本コンピュータ外科学会大会論文集, pp.111-112, 2006.
[14] 岩崎祐太, 岡田俊之, 小山毅, 陳延偉, 菅野伸彦, 佐藤嘉伸, “3次元CT画像を用いた骨折線と反対側形状に基づく近位大腿骨に対する半自動骨折整復計画”, 日本コンピュータ外科学会大会論文集, pp.75-76, 2006.
[15] Rui Xu, Yen-Wei Chen, Songyuan Tang, S. Morikawa and Y. Kurumi : Application of Non-rigid Medical Image Registration on Open-MR based Liver Cancer Surgery, Proc. of 2nd Joint workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics, CD-ROM (2006).
[16] Rui Xu and Yen-Wei Chen, Serially-Connected Dual 2DPCA for Efficient Face Representation and Face Recognition, 平成18年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会論文集, CD-ROM (2006).
[17] 小林佳奈美, 陳延偉:遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた知的魚群自動生成システムの開発,平成18年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会論文集, CD-ROM (2006).
[18] 平本達也, Xianhua HAN, 陳延偉, 北村圭司, 井上芳浩, 柴田幸一, 三品幸男, 向田嘉宏:ICA ShrinkageフィルタによるPET画像の画質改善,平成18年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会論文集, CD-ROM (2006).
[19] 牛込晃, 陳延偉:高速で正確な顔検出システムの開発,平成18年電気関係学会関西支部連合大会論文集, CD-ROM (2006).
[20] 瀬尾昌孝,陳延偉:B-スプライン関数を用いた顔の輪郭線近似と似顔絵システム,信学技報, PRMU2006-221, pp.1-4 (2007)
[21] 久保賢二,陳延偉:Gabor フィルタを用いたロバストな目(瞳)の検出,信学技報,PRMU2006-231, pp.55-59 (2007).
[22] Rui Xu・Yen-Wei Chen・Song-Yuan Tang・Shigehiro Morikawa・Yoshimasa Kurumi: Parzen-Window Based Normalized Mutual Information for Image Registration, 電子情報通信学会総合大会,D-7-16,名城大学,2007-3.
[23] Guifang Duan・Yen-Wei Chen・Toshiki Yasuda・Shigehiro Morikawa・Yoshimasa Kurumi: Statistical Volume Modeling of Liver, 電子情報通信学会総合大会,D-7-17,名城大学,2007-3.
[24] 祖父江将太, 神田知樹, 陳 延偉, 黄辛隠:画像に対する世代別印象予測システム, 電子情報通信学会総合大会,D-12-17,名城大学,2007-3.


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